Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Link Building Defination

Link building is one of the important way in off page optimization. Now I want to discuss what is Link building.

Short definition of link building: it is a process of establishing relevant links to your website which can help your site to achieve higher ranking in search engines and drives targeted traffic to your site.

When our clients asking about link building; what is link building we explain it carefully and let them to understand that it is not only the quantity of inbound links to your site helps you to rank well but rather the quality of those links.

Today there are some link builders that instead of helping your site to be on a higher rank they put your site in a risk or penalize because of unethical way of link building.
Here are some of unethical methods in link building:
  • Spamming all sorts of web forums with bogus responses that include links to your site.
  • Automated spam responses to blog posts.
  • Creating websites solely for the purpose of linking to other sites. These are sometimes referred to as “spam directories.”
Search engine now are more sophisticated they sniff out all the black hat SEO practices. If the search engine crawls and determine that the site is doing an unethical link building practices, they will automatically penalize your site severely. It will bury your site making ti almost impossible to fine though the search engines.

The only way to achieve better ranking with the major search engines is the permanent and relevant links from established sites that engaged in ethical link building practices. This can also drive targeted traffic to your site.

Link building is a key facet of any successful Internet marketing strategy because if your site features relevant, factual information that is written well, the administrators of other websites will want to link to your site because it offers their readers something of interest and value.

There are no shortcuts in a successful link building campaign and even when it is done properly, you should not expect to reap the benefits of link building overnight. Patience and persistence are the keys because it can take time to build links from credible sources. 

While link building is a key element of an Internet marketing strategy, link building alone will not help your site achieve its natural ranking with the search engines. Only if link building is incorporated in a comprehensive search engine optimization approach will your site gain the full benefits from links from other sites and achieve its potential.

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